Understanding Patient Experience: Impact on Healthcare

The lasting impression of any healthcare interaction significantly hinges on patient experience. Whether positive or negative, patient experience is crucial in shaping the overall perception of care. 

Patient experience encompasses the quality and nature of interactions within the healthcare system, including the environment, expectations, care, and perceived value.

Key examples include:

  • Availability of appointments

  • Welcome experience at reception

  • Bedside manner

  • Accessibility of health information

  • Care team coordination and communication 

According to AHRQ, patient experience is crucial to healthcare industries as it helps organizations “become more patient-centered” and “has an inherent value to patients and families.”

Why Patient Experience Matters

Patient experience significantly impacts healthcare outcomes, patient retention, and overall satisfaction. A study by the National Institute of Medicine highlights that, in addition to good communication, “patients viewed the responsiveness of staff and a clean, well-kept hospital environment as key elements of high-quality care.”

Although patient experience and quality are different, they significantly impact each other.

AHRQ notes that patients with better care experiences often have better quality outcomes, which may be attributed to adherence to the care plan and medical advice. Additionally, high-quality providers encourage patients to seek better care, promoting quicker recoveries, fewer readmissions, and improved overall well-being.

How Patient Experience is Measured 

Patient experience is measured through various methods, including:

  • Online review sites such as Healthgrades, Google, and Yelp

  • NPS (Net Promoter Score) and NES (Net Effort Score)

  • Patient Satisfaction Surveys, such as HCAHPS and OAS CAHPS

  • Patient engagement and retention metrics

Factors that enhance Patient Satisfaction 

Healthcare providers can enhance patient experience by implementing key strategies, such as:

  • Effective Communication: Clear communication helps patients feel heard, understood, and involved.

  • Appointment Availability: Ensuring healthcare services are accessible and convenient for patients reduces barriers to care.

  • Follow-Up: Ongoing support monitors patient progress following treatment and helps reduce hospital readmissions.

  • Continuous Training and Development: Prioritizing staff training on effective communication, empathy, and conflict resolution is vital, especially given the challenges of high turnover.

By incorporating these factors, healthcare providers foster a positive and supportive environment, leading to enhanced patient experience and improved healthcare outcomes.

Faros Health's Role in Illuminating Patient Experience

Faros Health aggregates data from multiple sources, including payers, health systems, and third-party review sites, to provide an unbiased, comprehensive overview of patient experience. It's important to remember that patient experience is just one factor that patients should consider when choosing their care. Faros Health ENLIGHT provides comprehensive measures including patient experience, quality outcomes, and the expected cost to help patients assess the true value of their healthcare options.


Patient experience significantly impacts the quality and value of care. To learn how Faros Health ENLIGHT illuminates patient experience and empowers patients to access high-quality, low-cost care, schedule a demo here.

Written By

Kara Latham

Written By

Victoria Robinson

Learn how Faros can help reduce costs and improve health outcomes.

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